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Anti-Human Trafficking (2)

What is the purpose of this project?

In the anti-human trafficking initiative, we are developing educational animated modules with captivating narratives to raise awareness and combat human trafficking in high-risk Indian communities.

What are our top three goals for this spring semester?

1. We will finalize the first version of the animated anti-human trafficking module.

2. We hope to reach out to and demonstrate module utility to schools and non-profits operating in areas where human trafficking is in high prevalence. We plan to finalize this partnership.

3. We will adopt the anti-human trafficking module to an engaging Zoom lesson format.

member spotlights


Jai Mehrotra-Varma

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Eshna Gupta

Major: Computer Science
Hometown: San Ramon, CA
Semester Joined: Fall 2023

What is your primary goal in RISHI this year?
I hope to create an online presence for AHT where students from partnered organizations can learn more about the cause from our modules, on their own schedule!

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