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IPV (2)

What is the purpose of this project?

In the intimate partner violence (IPV) initiative, we hope to address the topic area itself and its associated stigma by developing a film highlighting the experiences of survivors. We also hope to emphasize the consequences of the physical or mental harm they face.

What are our top three goals for this spring semester?

1. First step for us is to film the documentary.

2. Second step is to edit the documentary.

3. And, the third step is to release the documentary! We can't wait to create new excitement for this documentary recommendation.

member spotlights


Rishi Malay

DSC_1527 2.HEIC

Shriya Araveeti

Major: Cognitive Science
Hometown: Cupertino, CA
Semester Joined: Spring 2022

What is your primary goal in RISHI this year?
I want to finish the documentary!


Riya Gupta

Major: Business of Cinematic Arts
Hometown: Irvine, CA
Semester Joined: Fall 2022

What is your primary goal in RISHI this year?
I want to film a documentary about South Asian women. As a team, we hope this documentary helps women feel seen, heard, and empowered to find a supportive community.


Ishreet Lehal

Major: Business Administration
Minor: International Relations
Hometown: Terre Haute, IN
Semester Joined: Fall 2022

What is your primary goal in RISHI this year?
As part of IPV Team, I have really been proud of the progress we have made in terms of contacting clients. My goal this semester is conduct all remaining client interviews and create the base for our documentary.

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